Book a Little Luxury


Self catering holidays that provide freedom and guarantee quality

Enjoy the freedom of a self catering holiday without compromising on quality by booking a luxury Premier Cottage. All of our holiday cottages are independently graded by VisitEngland (or VisitScotland, VisitWales and VisitIreland) and have all been awarded 4* or 5* ratings (many with Gold Awards, and many are National award winners). Premier Cottages is not an agency, but a member organisation. Our members understand that your holiday is precious, so we only accept owners whose properties meet our high standards.

Our All Inclusive policy* means there are no hidden charges (no electricity meter readings, no charging for washing machines, and basic necessities in the cottage for you*). Most of our owners live nearby, so if you have a problem they can help, and if you want to know the best restaurant locally, or secret beaches, there is someone to ask. Many owners can also arrange extras such as a private chef, spa treatments in your cottage or unusual activities such as 4x4 driving, clay pigeon shooting and archery days to add a real touch of indulgence to your holiday.

The Search tool on our website makes it easy for you to find your perfect holiday cottage with the facilities you need. You can select properties with swimming pools, hot tubs, games rooms, real fires, all ensuite bathrooms and other key attributes. If you want a child-friendly property, a cottage that takes pets, or one that is accessible (or maybe all 3 together!), just tick the relevant box(es) to view the ones that match your needs.

We have a wide range of types of properties, including cottages, old watermills, oast houses, barns, the odd castle, a royal residence and even a treehouse, all in some of the UK’s most stunning settings. We have all sizes too – from romantic cottages for 2 to grand houses for large groups.

These days, self-catering doesn’t have to mean no frills - browse our selection today and see for yourself!

*For a full outline of what is included in “All Inclusive” please see

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